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我先后获得复旦大学英语语言文学学士、牛津大学人类学硕士、剑桥大学教育学博士学位,曾任上海社会科学院任助理研究员、上海科技大学创业管理学院特聘兼职教授、上海博物馆Smart Muse特聘教师、伦敦科学博物馆Rutherford驻地研究员。



I am now Assistant Arts Professor at NYU Shanghai

My ultimate passion and mission is to develop frameworks and carry out practices of lifelong creative learning centered around project-based and inquiry-based learning, with a particular focus on intergenerational and inter-age interactions and collaborations.

I was born and raised in Shanghai and I spent 5 years in the UK where I finished my master's study in Material Anthropology at the University of Oxford and PhD research in Education at the University of Cambridge. Before that, I obtained a BA in English Language and Literature at Fudan University.

I worked as an Assistant Professor at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences in 2016; Adjunct Professor at SEM, Shanghai Tech; Gallery Educator at Shanghai Museum, and Rutherford Researcher in Residence at Science Museum, London.


I speak mandarin, Shanghainese (the local dialect in Shanghai), English, French and just a tiny bit of Spanish. 



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