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  1. Yuan, Y. & Wu, G. (2021). Problems and potentials of teaching design thinking as online courses in the Chinese context. SN Social Sciences, 1(6), 1-27. doi:

  2. Yuan, Y. & Hargis, J. (2020). Measuring instructor self-efficacy when migrating face-to-face courses online. Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations (EEJTR), 4(1), 97-113. doi:

  3. Hargis, J., Yuan, Y., & Wu, G. (2020). Rapid course migration: Comparing the changes of instructor self-efficacy. GLOKALde: Global and Local Distance Education, 6(2), 40-57.

  4. Yuan, Y. (2019). At the intersection of temporary, contemporary and international: Curatorial research on a touring exhibition on history of Chinese science and technology at the Science Museum, London. Science Education and Museums, 5(3), 214-225.

  5. 袁雁悦. (2018). 历史文化类博物馆中的青少年美育实践 [J]. 美育月刊, 2018 47(9): 31-36.

  6. Yuan, Y. & Hickman, R. (2016). Autopsychography as a form of self-narrative inquiry. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. doi: 10.1177/0022167816661059

  7. Yuan, Y. & Underwood, J. (2016). Torn between expectations and imagination: Alternative forms of communicating educational research. Cambridge Open-Reviewed Educational Research e-Journal, 3, 63-77.

  8. Yuan, Y. & Hickman, R. (2016). ‘Tension’ and ‘care’ as cornerstones of criteria for poetic-visual inquiry as arts-based educational research. Visual Inquiry: Learning and teaching art, 4(3), 205-220.

  9. Yuan, Y., Stephenson, P., & Hickman, R. (2015). Museums as Alternative Settings for Initial Teacher Training: Implication of and beyond the ‘Take One Picture’ programme for primary art education. Visual Arts Research, 41(1), 27-42.

  10. Yuan, Y. (2014). Turning rriends into research participants: Rationale, possibilities and challenges. Cambridge Open-Reviewed Educational Research e-Journal, 1(1), 88-104.


图书专著(章节)  BOOK CHAPTER

  1. ​袁雁悦. (2021) 激活创意的价值:世界创意之都伦敦的启示[ M]//徐锦江,郑崇选. 上海文化发展报告(2021)“十四五”时期的上海文化发展. 上海:上海社会科学院出版社, 2021: 1-20.

  2. 袁雁悦. (2020) 知识付费时代的博物馆教育[M]//上海博物馆. 博物馆评论(第二辑). 上海:上海辞书出版社,2020: 246-251.

  3. Yuan, Y. (2019). Visual arts education in museums across four cultural contexts. In Richard Hickman et al. (eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Art and Design Education. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  4. Yuan, Y. (2019). Postmodern pedagogical principles of museum-informed art education. In Richard Hickman et al. (eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Art and Design Education. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  5. Lee, R.M. & Yuan, Y. (2018). Innovation education in China: Preparing attitudes, approaches, and intellectual environments for life in the automation economy. In Gleason, Nancy W. (Ed). Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Palgrave Macmillan, 93-119.

  6. 袁雁悦. (2018)博物馆场景中的教学特点:“由一幅画展开”的启示 [J]//上海博物馆.博物馆评论.上海:上海辞书出版社. (ISBN:9787532650576)

  7. Yuan, Y. (2016). Visual autoethnography as a method of seeking and developing professional identities. In Q. Marak (Ed.). Doing Ethnography. New Delhi: Serials Pub, 43-66.

  8. Yuan, Y. (2016). Making Chinese cuisine, making international friends. In McMaster C., Murphy, C. Cronshaw, S., & Codiroli-McMaster, N. (Eds). Postgraduate Study in the United Kingdom: Surviving and Succeeding. Faringdon, England: Libra Publication, 211-220.

  9. 袁雁悦. 解读时间胶囊—菲茨威廉博物馆的古希腊古罗马藏品[M]//博物馆与世界文明丛书:博物馆与古希腊文明,北京:北京大学出版社,2016:445-466.

  10. 袁雁悦 (编写组成员). [G]//陈燮君. 世博词库 [M]. 上海:上海教育出版社,2011. 

  11. 袁雁悦.  “生命之树”—大英博物馆非洲藏品 [M]//上海博物馆. 非洲的艺术与文化. 南京:译林出版社,2013:78-95.

  12. 袁雁悦. “新格兰纳达的印第安故事” [G]//陈燮君. 哥伦比亚前西班牙时期黄金艺术. 上海:上海博物馆,2009:23-33.


散文/随笔/评论文章    Essays/Commentaries

  1. Yuan, Y. (October 2020). Start the First Lesson with Foreshadowing, The Creative Classroom (Medium). 

  2. Yuan, Y. (May 2020). Think Piece. International Museum Day 2020.

研究报告    REPORT

  1. Yuan, Y. (2018). Autopsychography as a Self-Narrative Approach: Exploring PhD Postsubmission Experience with Oral Diary and Found Poem. Sage Research Methods Cases. Doi:

  2. Underwood, M. J., Yuan, Y., & Dia Lima, J. (2015) Rethinking practitioner research in education: not transcribing but reflecting and some reflections on the nature of practitioner research (2nd iteration – Cambridge). Paper presented to: Education Doctorate Research Conference: Generating Impact through Practice-based Doctoral Research Designed for Educational Professionals, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 27 June 2015. (Unpublished)

  3. Underwood, M. J. and Yuan, Y. (2015). Rethinking practitioner research in education: not transcribing but reflecting and some reflections on the nature of practitioner research. Paper presented to: Kaleidoscope Graduate Research Conference 2015: Many Paths, Same Goal - Multimodality in Educational Research, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 28-29 May 2015.

  4. Yuan, Y. (2012). Researching King’s Hedges and Arbury (for Kettle’s Yard to develop community activities).

  5. Yuan, Y. (2011). English Three Decker Ship Model in Bone (Rethinking Pitt Rivers’ Project)



  • 袁雁悦(文)/陈汉煜(图)(2021)神奇的度量衡. 中福会出版社.



  1. 博士论文 (PhD Thesis):Yuan, Y. (2015). Responses Towards Museum Artefacts: An Autopsychographic Exploration. PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, UK.

  2. 硕士论文 (Master's Dissertation):Yuan, Y. (2011). The Value of Anthropology in Museum Education: A Case Study of Art Education through Ethnographic Objects at the Pitt Rivers Museum. Master’s Dissertation, University of Oxford, UK.

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